International authority
Last updated: March 27, 2023. *Please save the file on your hard disk before opening; each data file is a zip file.*
Welcome! The Measure of International Authority (MIA) estimates the authority exercised by international organizations through delegation and pooling (1950-2019). It also estimates the range of policies for which an IO is responsible (1950-2017). This release covers 76 international organizations. All scoring is annual; the unit of analysis is the individual IO.
NOTE: We detected a small coding error in MIA-Authority v.2, which affected the Delegation scores of some IOs. Please use v.4 in your work. MIA v.1 (1950-2010): Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Tobias Lenz, Jeanine Bezuijen, Besir Ceka, Svet Derderyan MIA v.2 (1950-2019): Tobias Lenz, Yoram Haftel, Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Dan Eran, Mona Saleh With thanks to the people who have provided valuable research assistance over the years — Max Boiten, Kyle Chan, Jan Dorsten, Alaya Ehrlich, Avigaelle Halevi, Zak Merdi, Benjamin Neudorfer, Rick Scholten, Sydney Rehder, Kai Stern, and Emily Venturi. MIA v.1 research was funded by the European Union’s Advanced European Research Council grant # 249543 “Causes and Consequences of Multilevel Governance,” and MIA v.2 research was funded by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony’s Research Cooperation Lower Saxony – Israel grant, and by the Kenan and Burton Craige Foundations at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For data queries please contact or Click on a link to download the corresponding Excel file. Note: When using Google Chrome, you may have to right-click and select “Save Link As…”.
African Union (AU) (1963-2019) Arab Magreb Union (AMU) (1989-2019) Economic and Monetary Community of Central African States (CEMAC) (1966-2019) Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) (1982-2019) East African Community I (EAC I) (1967-1976) East African Community II (EAC II) (1993-2019) Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS-CEEC) (1985-2019) Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (1975-2019) Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) (1986-2019) Southern African Customs Union (SACU) (1950-2019) Southern African Development Community (SADC) (1981-2019)
Andean Community (Andean/CAN) (1969-2019) Caribbean Community (CARICOM) (1968-2019) Latin American Integration Association (LAIA/ ALADI) (1961-2019) Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR) (1991-2019) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (1994-2019) Organization of American States (OAS) (1951-2019) Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) (1968-2019) Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA) (1976-2019) Central American Integration System (SICA) (1952-2019)
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (1967-2019) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) (1981-2019) Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) (1973-2019) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) (1986-2019) Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) (2002-2019) Pacific Community (SPC) (1950-2019)
Benelux Economic Union (BENELUX) (1950-2019) Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) (1950-2019) European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (1954-2019) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (1992-2019) Council of Europe (COE) (1950-2019) Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) (1959-1990) European Cooperation in Measurement Standards (EURAMET) (1988-2019) European Economic Area (EEA) (1994-2019) European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (1960-2019) European Space Agency (ESA) (1980-2019) European Union (EU) (1952-2019) Nordic Council (NORDIC) (1952-2019) Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) (1973-2019)
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) (1991-2019) Bank for International Settlements (BIS) (1950-2019) CAB International (CABI) (1987-2019) Commonwealth of Nations (COMSEC) (1965-2019) International Coffee Organization (ICO) (1963-2019) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) (1950-2019) International Organization for la Francophonie (OIF/ACCT) (1970-2019) League of Arab States (LOAS) (1950-2019) Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) (1979-2019) Organization of Arab Petroleum Export Countries (OAPEC) (1968-2019) Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) (1950-2019) Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (1970-2019) Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) (1960-2019) Intergovernmental Organization for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) (1950-2019)
Global Environmental Facility/ Fund (GEF) (1994-2019) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (1957-2019) International Criminal Court (ICC) (2002-2019) International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) (1950-2019) International Organization for Migration (IOM) (1955-2019) International Seabed Authority (ISA/ISBA) (1994-2019) International Whaling Commission (Iwhale) (1950-2019) Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) (1950-2019) World Customs Organization (WCO) (1950-2019) World Trade Organization (WTO) (1995-2019)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (1950-2019) International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (1950-2019) International Labour Organization (ILO) (1950-2019) International Maritime Organization (IMO) (1960-2019) International Monetary Fund (IMF) (1950-2019) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) (1950-2019) United Nations (UN) (1950-2019) UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (1950-2019) UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) (1985-2019) Universal Postal Union (UPU) (1950-2019) World Health Organization (WHO) (1952-2019) World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (1970-2019) World Meteorological Organization (WMO) (1950-2019) World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) (1975-2019)
MIA authority (v.4) || Codebook
MIA Master (v.4) || Codebook
MIA policy data || Codebook
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Research Team
Detailed coding for each IO